Earth Networks Total Lightning Network® delivers the most reliable and precise lightning detection in the world, so you can make better decisions, protect property, minimize downtime, and safeguard lives when and where it matters most.
At Earth Networks, we pioneered total lightning detection as the first innovator to accurately detect and classify both in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning. That legacy of innovation continues today through proprietary algorithms and technology that deliver exceptional location accuracy and detection efficiency across the globe. Our expansive network provides the most reliable, high-quality data in real time to help you quickly evaluate risk and take action when dangerous weather threatens.

Products powered by lightning data
If you want the fastest severe weather warnings for your organization, you need intelligent weather products powered by total lightning detection. Our lightning data is directly accessible within our suite of weather monitoring and alerting solutions, so you can easily track severe weather in real-time.
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Real-time data to minimize costly downtime
Discover how our lightning network integration can help minimize financial risk. Collaborate with colleagues when severe weather threatens operations so you can minimize disruptions, adjust processes, optimize emergency response time, and minimize losses.
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Safeguard lives when it matters most
Instantly alert everyone outdoors when lightning is nearby with an unmistakable horn and strobe light system. Move employees and/or clients to safety automatically and let them know when they can resume activities with an "all-clear" signal.
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