Signs of Season Change Begin in Southern Guinea
17 March 2014, 1900UTC: For much of the country, Guineans have been shown little sign of a change of seasons. Hot, dry weather continues across much of the region with the flow of hot, dry air massess coming off the inner continent. But meteorologists don’t have to look outside the country for signs that the rainy season is approaching. Semi-regular bouts of showers and storms have been evident in Guinee Forestiere over the last couple of weeks. All signs of the pending rainy season that residents expect in the coming month.

Guinean meteorologists have been tracking the increase of moisture in the southwestern areas of the country using the network of live weather stations, the total lightning detection network and also satellite data. The data shows dew points pushing above 20 degrees in Nzorekore on a regular basis and afternoon showers and storms over the prefecture every 2-3 days.

The rainy season is far from the minds of the rest of the country, only evidence of it’s approach is the closeness of April on the calendar. Northern areas continue to have hot sunshine and very dry air on a regular basis, with only the coastal areas getting into hot, sunny humid weather with winds off the ocean.

The Guinea Meteorological Deparment is also using its new forecast system to track the weather over the coming weeks. The forecasts show that 4 of the next 5 days show chances of rainfall in Nzorekore with chances increasing each day. Sure signs the rainy season is almost underway in the south, and sure signs that northern residents will begin to see a start to fresh, regular rains in a few weeks.