Realize Your School Lightning Risk and Save Lives
School Lightning Risk: Is Your Campus Vulnerable?
Our lightning sensors measure thousands of discharges every day. When you map those discharges out, a heavy concentration of them resides in the Midwest and Southeast. However, lightning also poses a threat to most other states. Any campus in any state can be struck by lightning. As a coach, administrator or athletic director, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your students are safe from this deadly force of nature.
Common Misconceptions
Schools that are unprepared are the most at-risk for lightning strikes. A common misconception that can result in a fatal lightning strike is “When thunder roars, go indoors!” This phrase is easy-to-remember, but it could put your students and staff in harm’s way. When you can hear thunder, your school lightning risk is already extremely high. Lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from a storm. That means if you can hear thunder it’s already too late. You can learn more about lightning safety risks by reading Campus Safety Magazine’s article “Lightning on Campus: Your Vulnerability Might Shock You.”
NCAA Regulations
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) takes lightning safety somewhat seriously. This is because most lightning strikes happen to teenagers and athletes participating in recreational activities outdoors. The NCAA’s “Guideline 1d: Lightning Safety” (July 1997, Revised June 2007) is a great tool, but it is considered more as a recommendation. Unfortunately, there are no hard rules for the NCAA when it comes to lightning safety.Therefore, colleges and university have to develop their own lightning safety policies.
Ready to Minimize your Lightning Safety Risk?
In order to protect your students, you need to protect them from lightning and other forms of severe weather. Download our free white paper today to help assess your current severe weather protocol and determine if the risk is still too high. Plus get tips and learn about tools that will increase your overall weather safety on campus. Get the white paper and get safe today.